PRO-Q - Business Review Business Review "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 11 9% Email Company Name*Are you a Product or Service focused Organization.* Product Focused (Has Inventory) Service Focused GENERAL INFORMATIONBASIC PLANNING1. The Company has a clearly defined mission* Yes No A. There is a written Mission Statement.* Yes No B. Company is carrying out the mission.* Yes No C. Mission Statement is modified when necessary.* Yes No D. Employees understand & share in the mission.* Yes No E. The Company has a brand and style guide.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.2. The Company has a written Sales Plan* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.A. Market niche has been identified.* Yes No B. New product lines are developed when appropriate.* Yes No C. Targeted Customers are being reached.* Yes No D. Sales are increasing.* Yes No 3. The Company has an annual budget.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.A. Budget is used as a flexible guide* Yes No B. Budget is used as a control device.* Yes No C. Actual expenditures are compared against budgeted expenditures.* Yes No D. Corrective action is taken when expenses are over budget.* Yes No E. Owner prepares budget.* Yes No F. The budget is realistic.* Yes No 4. The Company utilizes a 6 month Rolling budget.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.5. The Company has a pricing policy.* Yes No A. Products or services are competitively priced.* Yes No B. Business provides volume discounts.* Yes No C. Prices are increased when warranted.* Yes No D. There is a relationship between pricing changes and sales volume.* Yes No E. New prices are placed on last-in goods when the price on old stock gets changed.* Yes No THE CULTUREPERSONNEL1. Employees know what is expected of them* Yes No A. Each employee has only one supervisor.* Yes No B. Supervisors have authority commensurate with responsibility.* Yes No C. Employees volunteer critical information to their supervisor.* Yes No D. Employees are using their skills on the job.* Yes No E. Employees and Management know the Top 5 Strengths of Each Employee.* Yes No F. Employees feel adequately trained.* Yes No 2. Each employee has a job description.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.A. Employees can accurately describe what they do.* Yes No B. Employees do what is expected.* Yes No C. Employees accountable to specific daily KPIs* Yes No D. Company untilizes a SCORECARD Process.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.E. Work load is distributed equitably.* Yes No F. Employees receive feedback on performance.* Yes No G. Employees are rewarded for good performance.* Yes No H. Employees are familiar with company policies.* Yes No I. There is a concise policy manual.* Yes No If Yes, Please Upload HereMax. file size: 50 MB.3. Preventive discipline is used when appropriate.* Yes No A. Employees are informed when performance is below standard.* Yes No B. Unexcused absences are dealt with immediately.* Yes No C. Theft prevention measures are in place.* Yes No 4. Regular employee meetings are conducted.* Yes No A. Employees' ideas are solicited at meetings.* Yes No B. An agenda is given to employees prior to the meeting.* Yes No C. Meetings provide a specific set of outcomes to be achieved by each attendee.* Yes No If Yes, Please Provide a Sample of Meeting Template HereMax. file size: 50 MB. OPERATIONSPRODUCTION1. The company has a good relationship with suppliers.* Yes No A. A well-documented plan addresses how to deal with suppliers.* Yes No B. Inventory delivery times are specified.* Yes No C. Levels of quality of materials and services are specified.* Yes No D. Payment terms are documented.* Yes No E. Contingency plans are provided.* Yes No F. Regular contact is made with suppliers.* Yes No 2. The company provides for good inventory control.* Yes No A. Company has an inventory control formula to provide for optimum inventory levels.* Yes No B. Company has a policy on securing inventory in a timely fashion.* Yes No 3. The company conducts incoming inventory inspections.* Yes No A. Company has a written policy on incoming inspection.* Yes No B. Incoming inspection is being performed.* Yes No C. Incoming inspection levels of quality are documented.* Yes No 4. The company has alternate sources of raw materials.* Yes No A. Two or more suppliers are identified for each product needed.* Yes No B. Majority of raw material requirements are divided equally between two major suppliers with a third source receiving lesser but consistent orders.* Yes No 5. The company has a routine maintenance program.* Yes No A. A routine maintenance program is documented and communicated to all maintenance personnel.* Yes No B. Every major piece of equipment has a maintenance log positioned in an obvious place.* Yes No C. Preventive maintenance is a regular occurrence.* Yes No 6. The company has a formal operator training program.* Yes No A. Company has a written operator training manual.* Yes No B. A progressive training process is in place.* Yes No C. Accomplished operators are identified to answer questions from trainees.* Yes No D. Constructive feedback on training progress is provided in a Non-intimidating fashion.* Yes No 7. The company attempts to stay current with technological advances.* Yes No A. Company representatives attend trade shows on a regular basis.* Yes No B. Company subscribes to trade publications.* Yes No C. A formal employee suggestion program is in place.* Yes No D. Company conducts regular technology advancement brainstorming sessions involving the employees.* Yes No E. Company is involved in the community's extended learning programs.* Yes No SALES & MARKETING1. The owner knows exactly what the business is.* Yes No A. The owner knows exactly who the customer is.* Yes No B. Potential customers know about the business.* Yes No C. Location is appropriate for the business.* Yes No D. The market is clearly defined.* Yes No 2. The owner knows competitors and their location.* Yes No A. The owner knows how his or her prices compare with the competitions'.* Yes No B. The owner knows how the competition is regarded.* Yes No C. Census data are used for strategic marketing.* Yes No D. The owner knows the county sales patterns.* Yes No 3. The owner is aware of customer needs.* Yes No A. Feedback is requested from customers.* Yes No B. Sales receipts are monitored.* Yes No C. Sales receipts are compared to those from previous years.* Yes No D. Seasonal variations are taken into account.* Yes No 4. The owner and employees focus on customer needs.* Yes No A. The owner and employees treat customers courteously.* Yes No B. The customer's concerns, complaints and suggestions are listened to carefully.* Yes No C. Customers are provided with quick, reliable service.* Yes No D. The owner is considered knowledgeable by customers.* Yes No E. Appropriate housekeeping procedures for the business are followed.* Yes No 5. The company needs to increase sales volume.* Yes No A. There is a sales plan in effect.* Yes No B. Sales goals are being met.* Yes No C. Effective sales presentations are being made to potential customers.* Yes No D. Names of prospects are kept in a follow-up file.* Yes No E. Sales are closed effectively.* Yes No Please upload last 6 months CRM and or Sales data here.Max. file size: 50 MB. ADVERTISING & PROMOTION1. The owner has an advertising and promotion plan.* Yes No If Yes, please upload here.Max. file size: 50 MB.The Business:A. Has an advertising budget.* Yes No B. Advertises monthly.* Yes No C. Advertises weekly.* Yes No D. Has a promotional calendar.* Yes No The Owner:2. The owner uses effective advertising and promotion.* Yes No A. Advertises in Search Engines.* Yes No B. Uses mailers, newspapers or shoppers.* Yes No C. Uses radio and television advertising.* Yes No D. Obtains no-cost or low-cost media coverage.* Yes No E. Uses digital media effectively.* Yes No F. The Company has a website.* Yes No Website Address G. Uses social media effectively.* Yes No Google Listing AddressLinkedin AddressFacebook AddressInstagram AddressOtherOtherOtherOther The Owner:3. The owner uses effective merchandising techniques.* Yes No A. Relates display space to sales potential.* Yes No B. Uses vendor promotional aids.* Yes No C. Knows traffic flow patterns of customers.* Yes No D. Keeps facilities clean.* Yes No The Owner:4. The owner evaluates advertising and promotional efforts weekly.* Yes No A. Determines if sales increase with advertising.* Yes No B. Ascertains if sales increase after special promotions.* Yes No FINANCESGENERAL BOOKKEEPING & ACCOUNTING PRACTICES1. The company has a bookkeeping system* Single Entry Double Entry None The Owner:A. Prepares the books.* Yes No i. Understands the how and why.* Yes No ii. Prepares own financial statements.* Yes No B. Pays for bookkeeping service.* Yes No i. Understands financial statements.* Yes No ii. Has taxes done by bookkeeper.* Yes No iii. Has compared cost for bookkeeper with that of a CPA.* Yes No 2. The company reconciles bank statements monthly.* Yes No 3. The company keeps income and expense statements accurate and prepares statements monthly.* Yes No The Owner:A. Understands purpose of financial statements.* Yes No B. Compares several monthly statements for trends.* Yes No C. Compares statements against industry averages.* Yes No D. Knows current financial status of business.* Yes No 4. The company makes monthly deposits for federal withholding and Social Security taxes.* Yes No The Owner:A. Understands Form 941.* Yes No B. Makes deposits on time to avoid penalties.* Yes No C. Provides W-2 information.* Yes No 5. The company has a credit policy.* Yes No The Company:A. Ages billing system monthly.* Yes No B. Accesses late payment fee from customers.* Yes No C. Writes off bad debts.* Yes No D. Has good collection policies.* Yes No E. Has a series of increasingly pointed letters to collect from late customers.* Yes No F. Has VISA, MasterCard, or other credit card system.* Yes No G. Emphasizes cash discounts.* Yes No 6. The company files all tax returns in a timely manner.* Yes No The Owner:A. Considers tax implications of equipment early.* Yes No B. Considers buy versus lease possibilities.* Yes No C. Considers possible advantages/disadvantages of incorporation/Subchapter S.* Yes No D. Does not pay tax penalties (federal, state, sales).* Yes No FINANCESFINANCIAL PLANNING & LOAN PROPOSALS1. The company has adequate cash flow.* Yes No A. Renumbered cash receipts are monitored and accounted for.* Yes No B. Checks are deposited properly each day.* Yes No C. Customer invoicing is done promptly (within two working days).* Yes No D. Collections are received within 60 days.* Yes No E. Accounts payable take advantage of cash discounts.* Yes No F. Disbursements are made by pre-numbered check.* Yes No 2. The company projects cash-flow needs.* Yes No A. Payrolls are met without problems.* Yes No B. Money is set aside for expansion, emergencies and opportune purchases.* Yes No C. Short-term financing is used when needed.* Yes No D. Line of credit is established with a bank.* Yes No 3. The company understands the role of financial planning in today's highly competitive lending markets.* Yes No A. The owner's personal resume is prepared and current* Yes No B. Personal financial statements have been prepared.* Yes No C. The business has a written business plan.* Yes No D. Source and use of funds statements exist for the past two years, with a projection for the next two years.* Yes No E. An accurate balance sheet exists for the past two years and includes a projection for the next two years.* Yes No F. The owner has a good working relationship with a banker.* Yes No G. There is a strong debt-to-equity ratio (1:2/1:1)* Yes No Please Upload Last 3 Years Financials (P&L, Expense Detail, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report) HereMax. file size: 50 MB.CAPTCHA